Friday, November 11, 2005

And By The Way

How in the good Lord's name did I ever find Jon Corbett's character on Sex and the City even mildly attractive? I've been watching season 3 (the best season, according to Matty Boom) and he is adding some fuel to my Bactrim-induced fire.

Every time he's on screen, he brings some kind of vibe that smells of half-assed zen distant fuckwadedness. I know he supposedly owns a furniture store, but he's never working. All he does is judge Carrie and offer puzzling, vague statements when she asks stupid, girly questions. In fact, I know why we never see him working in the furniture store. He actually writes fortune cookies for a living and can't leave his work at the office.

When he enters, I am often treated to the sight of him, head cocked, glancing out of silently inquisitive eyes, running his fingers through his hair, and only saying one or two words that STILL ruin the scene. "Fluffernut," he says in my head, and I am no longer thinking of Manolos and cosmos. I'm thinking of ways to dispose of imaginary 6-foot-and-some-change male bodies. This character of his is quietly confident, and it seems to make him treat everyone else like they're retards at the zoo. It bugs me.

His mere presence makes me roll my eyes. With his scraggly hair and love of jazz, and voice that occupies the low registers. Fuck Aidan. I'm glad Sarah Jessica Parker ends up with someone else. And I'm also glad that John Corbett was able to regain the use of his frontal lobe and do some other characters. I'm thinking specifically of his tour-de-force performance in My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but whatever.

on-demand. g


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