Monday, October 31, 2005

Calling it a Day

Well, my darlings, I returned safely from Vegas with a crumpled annulment document in my right pocket and a tension headache from the booze...just like 70% of the other passengers. Nothing new there.

Tonight is the glorious holiday Halloween, as you hopefully know. I am exhausted and completely used up (thanks to an emotion-inducing workshop and a particularly boisterous sexual encounter), but I have one night of fight left in me. One night. One.

And it's going to be a doozy.

So, the nice people here at Blogspot have decided to keep their bloggers from posting pictures for some reason, so you can't see my costume yet. You also can't see the horrible wonderful things that wearing that costume makes me do...

...and I don't even have the enegy and wherewithall to write about it. Too bad.

More to follow, once this filly has gained enough order in her life to type.

snore. g


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