Bloody Hell
Hey everyone...EFil is going into surgery this morning. Please send him good vibes, and go donate some blood too. They are really low this season and need all they can get. You can go to
South Tower, room 1690
310.423.5346 for an appointment
In Honor of Eric Filipkowski
Tips: Make sure you eat something before you go, and bring something to munch on afterwards. It only takes about an hour, and parking is totally free (with validation). They hook you up with a free movie ticket for donating or even attempting to donate--Some people get turned down due to low iron or because they are a dude who had sex with another dude within the last 28 years.
If you're really ballsy, you can donate plasma or platelets. They pay you for that and show you a movie too, but it takes a super long time. You gotta be tough...
Thanks to all for your continued support and emails to EFil. It really means a lot to everyone.
More news as events warrant....
gusher. g
Who wants a whole bunch of sickies running around screaming about hockey in French?
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