You know how sometimes, there just isn't anything left to give people? You just feel maxed out? That is me this morning. I have no idea how to solve people's problems, to console them, or make things better on any level. The rain is falling heavily on the roof and it is deafening. I just want to go home.
I blame the AMC theaters for this surge of helplessness. I made the mistake of seeing Constantine last night. The theater was boiling and I had no utensils to eat my Pollo Bowl with--so no protein and carbs for me. At the midpoint, I felt dizzy like I was going to pass out. I needed sugar, and fast. I abandoned my healthy lifestyle for fear of my cheek making contact with the floor of theater 16...and the chocolate and soda didn't really help. I had to eat some salt after that, because I still felt dizzy...and that only leveled me out enough to have minimal conversation and a fitful sleep.
When I woke up this morning I was reminded that there are some things people face that are completely out of my control and I can do nothing to fix them. I offer support and nuzzles on the neck. And that doesn't really take away the pain, when it comes down to it. Is the best support I can offer my absence?
I need some enlightenment here. Today, my ever-so-slightly imbalanced chemicals are getting the better of me. I am exhausted.
zzzz. g
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