Tuesday, May 16, 2006

An Anecdote From my Man-Friend

There's a guy who comes to the Store open mic every week who calls himself Boon Shak-a-lak-a. He is homeless, black and gay. He wears a necklace whose beads are basically three-inch wooden rhino statues. His clothes are scrawled, everywhere, in permanent marker, with bizarre black-power and gay-rights and I'm-insane slogans of his own devising. I've never seen him perform because the Store BANNED HIM; he can sign up for the list and watch the show, but he is never ever picked.

Yesterday I overheard him saying to another crazy homeless open micer: "I don't see why people think Dane Cook is so funny."

I guess there's a comforting lesson in that; as you fall into madness, your good taste will be the last thing to go.


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