Wednesday, September 14, 2005


I have been overwhelmed by the brilliant things that have been thrown at me in the past couple days (monkey feces NOT included).

--"Filipinos are a warm, gentle, caring, giving people, which is a good thing since so many of them carry concealed weapons." -N.Stephenson

--"When called upon to act, your garden-variety nice guy will do the thing that is the best balance of Fair and Easy." -from a convo with Jeffy

--Advice from Brody Stevens after Monday's power-outage:

"The bad driving, soft and selfish types (peoples’ mindset), speeding and aggressive maneuvers don’t magically disappear - it’s ingrained, young and middle-aged alike.

This is why you sweat the small stuff - it builds character and properly prepares a society for the unexpected.

Maybe that unexpected will be a meal with me and a famous baseball player? - Could you handle yourself at a personal buffet with Pete Rose or Gabe Kapler?

And that’s just part of the world I’d prepare you for.

Also, be extra nice to kids and old folk.

And bus your table, even at Taco Bell."

The magic never stops in this town.

kazaam. g


At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! You've read more than the first two chapters of Cryptonomicon!

I'm currently working on a Brody Stevens impression. Trouble is, I know dick about sports, so I'll have to steer my discourse towards things like my love for the comics writing of Alan Moore, and my encyclopaedic knowledge of Stephin Merritt lyrics. I can make that sound macho, right?


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