Ollie Ollie Oxy-Free
My darlings, do you realize that we are biological creations with chemicals surging through our tissues, causing us to feel every single thing that we experience in a day? If you're feeling upset over your crappy job, or elated over your recent weight loss, or something inbetween, that is due in part to a chemical that is working its' way from your hypothalamus all the way southward to your toes.
I just found out about one particular hormone that's getting us in trouble, and we don't even know it exists.
Oxytocin is nicknamed the "bonding hormone." Male and female bodies release it during orgasm, and it causes one to bond to the person they're with. The only trick is that the presence of testosterone overwhelms oxytocin and makes it unaffecting to a (male) body. On the flip side, estrogen-run bodies are totally affected by it. So, this means, when ladies climax, we hang on to whoever caused it for dear life.
And the actual time limit of "dear life" is about 3 weeks--biologically, how long it takes to see if you're pregnant. Coincidence? I think not.
Our bodies are evolutionary machines, and we are operating on chemistry and instinct. We have little to no free will, people. Only for the past 100 years or so has sex become a recreational activity, and we're not built to handle that. Have you gents out there wondered why women can't really pull off casual sex? This is why. And as men's testosterone level decreases with age, they become more susceptible to the effects of the hormone, and as women age and estrogen decreases, they become free from this hormonally-charged link to their mate.
And so you know, Oxytocin is also responsible for uterine contractions in childbirth, lactation, and otherwise bonding mothers to babies.
I figure that we can learn a lot from knowing this hormone exists. It can help us make better choices in who we sleep with. Are you, as a woman, willing to bond yourself to the fucker that doesn't give you what you need to feel like a good person? And men: do you want to be the one this crazy skag bonds herself to for the better part of a month? If we know that biologically this is likely, we can make better choices! This knowledge could set us free!
Of course, there are exceptions to the rule. We are self-aware individuals (although that guy who cut me off today on the 5 was definetly NOT one of those) and we are able to act against our instinct and chemicals. It is my assertion, however, that most of the time we think we're acting intellectually, but things like oxytocin are silently guiding us.
My great affection for my Special Man Friend was always the obvious part. But this helps me understand why I love my vibrator so much, too.
bzzz. g
What about a hot beef injection? What effect does that have?
Oh. Wait. I guess you covered that.
Even if people knew about this "bonding", they'd still rather test it with some good casual sex than use common sense and abstinence. Nothing wrong with it unless you get pregnant and my tax dollars are spent caring for your illegitimate child!
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