You Were Born Today
For all of those magical people born on April 19, and you know who you are, you have some really interesting traits associated with your birth date. Read on...
*You like gambling and horses, but not to excess.
*You have a tedency to use popsicles and strawberry shortcake as sexual aids.
*You have beautiful, long locks of curly hair that make women with short, straight hair green with envy.
*The word "fierce" actually meant "timid and lame" until you put on high heels, and the definition was changed.
*The phrase "hot ticket" was coined for you.
*You have excellent taste in oven mitts.
*The Statue of Liberty was modeled after you. It was scrapped by the French and unloaded on "those American suckers" because it wasn't beautiful enough to bear your name.
Happy Birthday, baby. grae
Uh, sorry Leezy, I was talking about Hayden Christensen. Excuse the misunderstanding. Har!
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