Tuesday, February 01, 2005

America and The Other Guys

I spent time on the treadmill this weekend watching the coverage of the election (and election violence) in Iraq. It really hit me that some people understand the importance of participating in your government. This is because they haven't had the right to speak up for ages. They walked to those polls risking Death so they could make their index finger all inky and show it to CNN reporters. Some people died. Some people murdered others. It is intense.

Obviously, in America, we casually stroll to the polls sometimes if we feel like it. Even in the last Presidential race that tons of people seemed to care about, only an average number of folks showed up. Ho hum. We had election parties, everyone went home depressed, and then we sent each other angry emails the next day. And as far as local elections go, I myself often have more important things to do on voting day, like trim my cuticles or heat up a chicken pot pie in the oven (which takes forever, in case you don't know).

What is to become of us as a nation? Where are we heading with our laziness and apathy?

Well, I now have realize that we're not headed for the Danger Zone. We have desire and beliefs. Americans are willing to turn off Sex and the City and fight for something.

Sony's music division has postponed the release of Fiona Apple's follow-up album to the juggernaut release sometimes known as "When the Pawn..." (or "Title" for the real fans). And if juggernaut means embarrassing flop, then that's what I mean. I'm not sure of the actual definition, since I'm propping my foot on my dictionary and it's just SO comfortable I don't want to move it.

They are telling Ms. Apple that her new album, approximately five years in the works, is not commercial enough and they won't put it out. They won't even give Ms. Apple a single.

Well, this was it for we Land Of The Free-ers. This was the last straw. They couldn't do this to US in the good ole land of the Red White and Blue. What did we do, you ask, to fight this injustice, this commercially-driven greed and heartlessness?

Six people showed up at Sony music to hang out on the street and stare angrily at the doors. Not one measly person, oh Sony-that-is-of-Satan, and not an overwhelming seven. SIX. Boo YAH. Six twenty-something people stood outside, sometimes letting out a whoop or a high five in support of their favorite artist. There was even a Scottish-American dude there. How Hot is that?

Apparently they like her because her "lyrics mean something" and she's has so much more integrity than that "Fucking tramp Britney Spears."

*Please note: I do not use quotation marks freely. That is a genuine quote from a 22-year-old woman standing in front of the doors.*

Although they agreed across the board that they would not allow Sony execs to throw poo at them in exchange for the album's release, they still stood there. They spoke their mind. To each other. In ear shot of others. And I bet those Sony bastard's ears just BURNED as those little angels stood outside, hovering on their clouds of righteousness and goodness as they hummed a few bars of "Criminal."

Yeah, we showed them. This a victory for all of us. Don't you feel better now?

Rock the vote. g


At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Deep emotions about the presidency of George W. Bush, both pro and con, and unprecedentedly vigorous and expensive voter mobilization drives propelled voter turnout in the 2004 general election to its highest level since 1968, despite long lines at polling places that had some citizens waiting as much as seven hours to cast their ballots."


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