Monday, March 20, 2006

That's Mrs. Pilates To You

I am in love with a machine.

You heard me right, my darlings. Now I know how Helo on Battlestar Galactica feels, or what it's like to have Vicki, the little girl from Small Wonder, living in a corner of my room. Sort of.

My new pilates machine is here. The first one, at a reasonable price on a payment plan, broke the second time I used it. The combination of my strength and height stretched the elastic cords to uselessness. Heartbroken and gaining inches, I surrendered to one of the foremost dealers of pilates equipment in the world. Then, without a payment plan or low cost, I made the purchase.

It is heavenly.

This is the first piece of exercise equipment I have ever purchased, and I believe it might be my last. It was a cinch to put together, glides smoothly on its track, and does everything I want. I even have the accessories I need to make some real body magic happen. Goodbye, waist! So long, saddlebags! It's been nice knowing you, triceps!

If you want to come over, we can have a pilates party. I can show you how to do the mermaid and the frog, and maybe even the Flying Wallenda. And if you're lucky, you might even be invited to the wedding. Mari Windsor will be there, and so will Daisy Fuentes. And hopefully we will be blessed by the spirit of Joseph Pilates himself.

going to the chapel. g


At 11:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many wives do you HAVE? Like, twelve? And at least half of them are machines. Like that bandsaw that you ran off with to Vegas. You better believe I knew about that. And if I catch you IMing that combine harvester that you met on MySpace ONE MORE TIME...


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