Saturday, August 06, 2005


I am emotionally exhausted. I don't feel the need to elaborate just yet, but I wanted to set the stage. I am sitting on the couch in my underpants (the white ones with Latin phrases embroidered on the back), and I am drinking some cool water. I just got done eating an Oreo and am pondering the mystery of life while I suck the remaining cookie bits out of my teeth.

I started compiling a list of things that make me happy. There are so many that it's getting overwhelming. Someday, you'll see the list here on this very blog, and you will know what makes the HellCat tick.

Everything from rainbows to mashed potatoes. Ewoks, those pound bars of chocolate from Trader Joe's, a day off. There's also little kid's shoes, musicals, and an affectionate hand on your ass as you fall asleep at night.

This HellCat might be tired, but she's got a lot to wake up for tomorrow. And the next day...and the next...

zzz. g


At 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Maybe I should have taken those Oreos home with me after all.


At 7:23 AM, Blogger HellCat said...

I have learned in the time between movie night and now that everyone should keep a couple of Oreos on hand, just to make the end of your Saturday night a little richer. Thanks again.

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Hollywood Phony said...

You left me off that list.

At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gah! How dare you detract from the importance of Oreo with your cheesecake blog plug?!? I'm not saying that cheesecake doesn't have its place, but get with the program, dude! May you swallow a pregnant field mouse and have its spawn nibble your innards!


At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hipster PDA users take low-tech path to getting organized
Published: Sunday, Aug. 7, 2005 If you want to get organized but dont like new technologies, ... Mann thought up a catchy name for his new organizer and posted a write-up at his Web log, 43folders.
Hans Storrie
Simplifying UK Lottery and Euro-Millions Syndicates.

At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must be tired! You slept through all of yesterday without updating...


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