(Chariots of Fire Theme Song)
Well kids, it has happened. EFil WROTE US AN EMAIL. This is huge. I got to hear him whisper on the phone AND read his beautiful words on my gmail. He is so much better, my darlings, and I am reeling from all the positive vibes everyone has been sending. Again, your well-wishes and prayers are what has helped him get stronger. Keep it coming, donate more blood, and keep rockin'.
So, needless to say, it's a great day. I had a great workout this morning, complete with some good laughs with ole Buddha Bill/Warren Beatty. And I can feel that the coasting I have been doing the past few weeks is coming to an end. This is the moment, my darlings, where she leaves this plateau she has been hanging out on, and goes to the next level. I am totally pumped full of endorphins and I am ready. I also can't stop wearing pastel colors and escaping from work to let the sunshine soak into my skin...
You (yes, you) are here with me for my day-to-day ups and downs, and you read my entries that run the gamut. Some days I am overwhelmed with feelings of mediocrity, and others I am in love with the world. Welcome to my head, kids. Pull down that lap bar, this shit can get intense.
In my quiet moments, I am grateful for you. The thought of knowing you are out there, and you are listening, makes this whole thing all worth it. A part of reading online journals is the "Train Wreck" phenomenon that you can't look away from. The other part, though, is that we are somehow closer because you're reading. I might not get to read the contents of your head poured into cyberspace, but you can read mine and I am enthusiastic about that.
Now let's go somewhere nice and private....
vixen. g
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