Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I've Got To Stop Drinking

This is getting to be overwhelming. My senses have spent the last few days on overload. Too many smells, tastes, touches, sounds, and substances imbibed. I am losing focus. This body is out of control.

"What's the best way to get control of your body, HellCat?" you're asking.

"Gotta be texting." I respond, slurring my words and pushing my fallen bra strap back onto my shoulder. Then, I think better of it and push it back down and smile.

This is getting to be a problem.

I feel like the brevity and wit required to text is what makes it genius. I don't buy into any of that "What's up?" shit. I prefer to send texts like, "We should be hitting it right now," or "You know what's great about clowns? Pancake makeup." No sir, no normal texts from me. I pride myself on this.

I think that I am best represented by my text messages. So much so, in fact, that I send texts to people that can't even receive them, just so I can say something better than I would when facing the person. At least my Outbox knows I'm smart and apologetic and sassy and cute, depending on who I'm talking to.

So tonight I am back from a night of poker with new friends. I had a shot of Cousin Jim. I feel funny inside. And I am pacing back and forth, when I should be sleeping, wishing that something was happening right now. I mean, something besides "Just Shoot Me" being on the telley. I am no stanger to sleepless nights these days, so don't mistake me for someone who needs some excitement in their life. No, I just am slipping into Princess Mode and I want something NOW.

So, on nights like these, the texts start. Sometimes I text everyone I can think of, soliciting their ideas, bodies, or laughs. I believe that this is both alarmingly brilliant and pathetic. I look at my cell phone and admire it, although the love is colored slightly by my own sense of dread.

Dread that I am not going to get through this night.

I have got to stop drinking.

None of this makes any sense.

Good thing Brother Jack wasn't around.

ring me. g


At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So that's why you don't come to our poker games. You're cheating on our poker game.

At 10:31 AM, Blogger HellCat said...

RobMag, we love you as a moonshiner, we love you as a...prohibitionist? Whatever. We love you.

I am going to have to use "Tap that ass." No question.

And MattyB, I actually never know when anyone is playing poker vs. not. I don't get the calls anymore. I believe this is due to the sewing lessons I took in the spring. They kicked me out of the loop. Damn the siren song of Husqvarna! And tea towels!

At 10:34 AM, Blogger HellCat said...

Josh--nice site. The Lotus is quite a unique development in cat entertainment. Makes me wish I had one.

At 7:05 AM, Blogger Hollywood Phony said...



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