I've Got To Stop Drinking
This is getting to be overwhelming. My senses have spent the last few days on overload. Too many smells, tastes, touches, sounds, and substances imbibed. I am losing focus. This body is out of control.
"What's the best way to get control of your body, HellCat?" you're asking.
"Gotta be texting." I respond, slurring my words and pushing my fallen bra strap back onto my shoulder. Then, I think better of it and push it back down and smile.
This is getting to be a problem.
I feel like the brevity and wit required to text is what makes it genius. I don't buy into any of that "What's up?" shit. I prefer to send texts like, "We should be hitting it right now," or "You know what's great about clowns? Pancake makeup." No sir, no normal texts from me. I pride myself on this.
I think that I am best represented by my text messages. So much so, in fact, that I send texts to people that can't even receive them, just so I can say something better than I would when facing the person. At least my Outbox knows I'm smart and apologetic and sassy and cute, depending on who I'm talking to.
So tonight I am back from a night of poker with new friends. I had a shot of Cousin Jim. I feel funny inside. And I am pacing back and forth, when I should be sleeping, wishing that something was happening right now. I mean, something besides "Just Shoot Me" being on the telley. I am no stanger to sleepless nights these days, so don't mistake me for someone who needs some excitement in their life. No, I just am slipping into Princess Mode and I want something NOW.
So, on nights like these, the texts start. Sometimes I text everyone I can think of, soliciting their ideas, bodies, or laughs. I believe that this is both alarmingly brilliant and pathetic. I look at my cell phone and admire it, although the love is colored slightly by my own sense of dread.
Dread that I am not going to get through this night.
I have got to stop drinking.
None of this makes any sense.
Good thing Brother Jack wasn't around.
ring me. g
So that's why you don't come to our poker games. You're cheating on our poker game.
RobMag, we love you as a moonshiner, we love you as a...prohibitionist? Whatever. We love you.
I am going to have to use "Tap that ass." No question.
And MattyB, I actually never know when anyone is playing poker vs. not. I don't get the calls anymore. I believe this is due to the sewing lessons I took in the spring. They kicked me out of the loop. Damn the siren song of Husqvarna! And tea towels!
Josh--nice site. The Lotus is quite a unique development in cat entertainment. Makes me wish I had one.
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